Monday 12 August 2024

References in Analysis of Colorado Plateau Geology

  1. William Smith Meeting 2017: Plate Tectonics at 50, Geological Society London, 3 October, 2017. 
  2. Green, P et alia (2017) Kilometre-scale burial and exhumation of passive margins and continental interiors: an overlooked consequence of plate tectonics? Paper presented in session 8, William Smith Meeting 2017: Plate Tectonics at 50, Geological Society London, 3 October, 2017
  3. Green, P et alia. 2018 Post-breakup burial and exhumation of passive continental margins:Seven propositions to inform geodynamic models, Gondwana Research, 53 (2018), 58–81.
  1. Hutton, J (1795) Theory of the Earth, vol. 1, Edinburgh.
  2. Sloss, LL, Krumbein, WC, Dapples, EC (1949) Integrated facies analysis, appearing in Longwell, CR, Sedimentary facies in geological history, GSA Bulletin, 39, 91-124.
  3. Sloss, LL (1963) Sequences in the cratonic interior of North America, GSA Bulletin, 74, 93-114.
  4. Sloss, LL (1964) Tectonic Cycles of the North American Craton, in Symposium on cyclic sedimentation: Kansas Geological Survey, ed. Merriam, D. F., Bulletin 169, 449-459.
  5. Shaviv, N. J. and Veizer, J. (2003): Celestial driver of Phanerozoic climate? GSA Today, July, 4-10.
  6. Shaviv, N. J. (2002): The spiral structure of the milky way, cosmic rays, and ice age epochs on Earth, New Astronomy, 8, 39-77.
  7. Beus, S. S. and Morales, M. (ed) (2003) Grand Canyon geology, NY: Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, see contributions from Beus, S. S., Blakey, R. C. et alia.
  8. Timmins, J. M. and Karlstrom, K. E. (ed) (2012) Grand Canyon geology: Two biion years of Earth’s history, GSA Special Paper 489, see contributions from Blakey, R. C., Middleton, L. T., Timmons, J. M., Karlstrom, K. E. et alia.   
  9. Sprinkel, D. A., Chidsey, D. C., Anderson, P. B. (ed) (2003) Geology of Utah’s parks and monuments. Utah Geological Association Publication 28, 2nd Ed., see paper by Sprinkel, D. A.    
  10. Croll, J. G. A. (2007): A new hypothesis for Earth lithosphere evolution, New Concepts in Global tectonics, Newsletter, 45, December 34-51.
  11. Croll, J G A (2011) Some Comments on Lithosphere Evolution, paper presented at Frontiers Meeting, Geological Society London, 14 November, 2011.
  12. Illis, B. (2009): Searching the Paleo Climate record for estimated correlations: temperature CO2 and sea level, see Kalenda et al..  
  13. Kalenda, P, Neumann et al. (2011) Tilts, global tectonics and earthquake prediction, research monograph, in press.

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