Previous studies have noted the close link between periods of mountain building with climate cycles14,15,16. Recorded periods of mountain building13 are summarised by the bar charts at the top of Fig 9. The 4 recorded periods of widespread mountain building during the Phanerozoic, often occurring synchronously over widely dispersed geographical domains, are shown to correspond closely with the periods of ice-house climate conditions. Tentative explanations for how ice-house conditions could result in spurts of uplift required for mountain building and subsequent erosion have again focused on how changes in surface disposition of ice and water could influence the rate of geothermal heat loss as expressed by the geothermal flux13,14. Reductions in the geothermal heat flux caused by the insulating effects of the development of deep surface ice sheets and permafrost would result in a lowering of the geothermal gradient and a concomitant increase in lithosphere thickness brought about by aggradation, due to phase change at the lower lithosphere-mantle boundary. Associated reductions in average density within the lithosphere and mantle could then be expected to result in regional uplift of the crust. This is summarised in Fig 11.
Fig 11 Mechanism for epeirogenic uplift
and sediment erosion based upon (a) the high geothermal gradient due to high
heat flux into the overlying ocean during hot-house conditions which with (b) the
development of thick ice-sheets and permafrost after transition to ice-house
climate reduces the geothermal heat flux which over a few Ma (c) readjusts to a
lower geothermal gradient and increased crustal thickness through aggradation
of lower crust while crust continues to rise during ice erosion.
It might be observed that such a mechanism for the raising of a previous, largely horizontal, seabed helps to explain why so frequently vertical tectonics produces uplifted peneplains. Frequently, as I hope later posts will describe, mountain building results from erosion of such uplifted peneplains.
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