It would appear that the process responsible for the gradual upward movement of rocks, and other inclusions of greater than average grain size, is fairly well understood. The process of “frost-pull” seems to account for the phenomenon known as “upfreezing”, whereby stones, boulders, fence posts and even it seems coffins, are over a period of time extruded from the earth to end up on the surface, see for example Figure 4.13 in Washburn (1979). Because upfreezing represents a form of thermal ratchet, in the current sense, it might be helpful to briefly summarise what it involves. The use of the descriptor, stone, in what follows could be applied to any material objects whose size and mass are greater than the average grain size of the soil.
Upfreezing by Frost-pull
Figure 5 reproduces in somewhat different form Figure
4.13 from Washburn (1979), describing qualitatively the procesAs surface temperatures begin to rise in late winter, indicated by section (5), surface thawing will commence. As the upper frost level (UFL) lowers to reach the bottom of the stone, through section (6) and (7), the previous heave +, experienced when the LFL aggraded through this same depth, will at the surface be largely recovered. During this period the stone will remain unmoved as a result of its base still being bonded to the relatively rigid lower frozen ground. Only when the complete thaw has been achieved will the stone move with the rest of the now unfrozen soil to recover that part of the heave experienced when the LFL aggraded from the bottom of the stone to its mid-winter lowest level. With any remaining cavity beneath the stone likely to be filled with slump material during the thaw beneath it, the stone will now be left at an elevation roughly above its starting point at the end of the previous summer. Each annual cycle of frost will result in the stone being pushed a little nearer to the surface, with the rate of its rise being directly proportional to its vertical height t. Similar processes would be anticipated to occur for shorter period frost-thaw cycles. Whatever the dominant driving periodicity the stone will eventually be expelled from the soil to lie at the surface.
For this phenomena the ratchet results from the interaction of the volume increase occurring when ground water experiences a phase change to ice and expelled pore water pressure beneath the LFL inducing back-fill into the cavity created by the upward heave of the stone relative to its underlying soil. Its occurrence also depends upon the differential bond between the stone and frozen ground compared with that between the stone and unfrozen ground. While the cause may differ slightly it is suggested here that at least some of the horizontal movements of stones to form stone circles, polygons, nets etc may result from a closely related form of thermal ratchet.
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